My Article on DEPRESSION and SMARTPHONES being one of the cause of DEPRESSION in modern day-to-day life.
At any given day or time, we all feel low, become hopeless and mind becomes full of despair. We just feel like living in a black hole. Mind, body and soul seems lifeless and when this feeling becomes too grave , that is what we call depression.
We feel the condition is never going to change but we should remember that this feeling of helplessness and hopelessness is just a temporary feeling and like a famous saying goes....we must remember that “THIS TOO SHALL PASSE“.
Inducing the sense of positivity into yourself is the only cure, no matter how much psychic counselling, medical help or therapy you may get, you and only you are going to cure it with your positive attitude. Start doing things to feel good and you are half cured.
Depression varies from person to person, gender to gender and age to age. The common symptoms being loss of interest in daily activities ,appetite or weight changes, sleep changes, anger, irrtitability, guilt feeling, concentration problems and unexplained pains and aches ranging from to head to back, stomach or even whole body.
Nineteen million people in US suffer from depression and few of them become suicidal .While most of the depression is unexplained , in few cases it can be due to feeling of rejection and being neglected, loneliness, disappointment, relationship problems, social or financial strain, childhood trauma or even may be due to drug abuse and in few cases chronic health problems.
According to my experience, the major reason , If not the alone reason of modern day depression can be attributed to our beloved smart phones, We all are living under one roof ,so close to each other, yet so far. With the constant use of social networking sites and even video calls , we are so close to our loved ones living far away or even abroad, yet we are so so far from our spouses and even kids.
We know our friends' last seen on whatsapp but we are not aware of what our spouse or even kids expect from us or think about us. We instantly share and forward good jokes and videos but we have stopped sharing our feelings to our family members and loved ones.
Gone are the days when we used to live in joint families,sit in evenings together in our living rooms or lawns and share each other’s happiness or laughter, grief or sorrow. We don’t share feelings with our spouse sleeping by our side, leave aside sharing with our brother or parents in the next room.
Studies in US show that while women suffer more from depression but more of the men commit suicide due to it, further studies revealed that this is due to the fact that women are known to share the feelings with their friends, sisters or mothers while men although outspoken are more secretive.
It further emphasizes that no matter what you do to get cured of your depression ,sharing your problems with each other and talking your heart and soul out to your closest buddy is the major way on the road to cure of depression if not the only way.
While there are number of treatments available in every pathy, it’s better to choose HOMOEOPATHY for it , just for the simple reason that it’s safe, fast, reliable and of course permanent.
In homoeopathy, for depression you are not given tranquillizers or sedatives. Your doctor will consider all of your symptoms and causes personally and advise you accordingly with personalized treatment.
Would love to quote here the famous phrase...... which someone once read outside the operation theatre,
‘Aaj dil kholne ki zarurat na padti auzaron ke saath,
Agar dil khola hota yaaron ke saath’
(My heart surgery wouldn’t be needed if i had shared my secrets with my friends)
So friends, apart from all the treatments or therapies you are taking for depression, sharing is above all to get rid of it permenantly.
Dr. Punit Middha
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